At Mowd Lawn Care, we know that the right lawn seed can transform your garden into a lush, green paradise. Whether you're starting from scratch, rejuvenating an existing lawn, or fixing bare patches, using lawn seed correctly is key to achieving great results. Here’s a step-by-step guide to using lawn seed for three common use-cases: New Lawn, Overseeding, and Patch Repair.
Establishing a new lawn
If you're starting fresh with a brand-new lawn, the right preparation and seeding technique will set you up for success.
Ideal Conditions:
Soil temperature of 10-18°C for optimal germination.
Moist but well-draining soil.
A calm day with minimal wind to prevent seed displacement.
Minimal foot traffic during the establishment period.
Prepare the Soil:
Clear the area of weeds, debris, and stones.
Dig or rotovate the soil to a depth of 15-20cm.
Rake the surface to create a fine, level seedbed.
Firm the soil by lightly treading it down and raking again.
Do not use weed killer within 6 weeks before or after sowing the seed.
Apply a Pre-Seed Fertiliser:
Use Roots & Shoots 6-9-6, a high-phosphorus pre-seed fertiliser to encourage strong root development.
Spread evenly and lightly rake into the soil before seeding.
Sow the Seed:
Spread the seed evenly at a rate of 35-50g per m².
Divide the seed in half and sow in two directions (e.g., north-south, then east-west) for even coverage.
Lightly rake the seed into the soil or press it down with a roller to ensure good contact.
Watering and Aftercare:
Gently water the area with a fine spray.
Keep the soil consistently moist for 2-3 weeks.
Avoid walking on the newly seeded area until the grass is well established.
When to Seed:
Best time: Spring (March-May) and early Autumn (August-October) for ideal growing conditions.
Overseeding an Existing Lawn
Overseeding helps thicken your lawn, fill in thin areas, and improve overall health and resilience.
Ideal Conditions:
Daytime temperatures between 12-22°C.
Light rainfall or ability to maintain consistent moisture.
Low foot traffic during germination.
Scarified lawn surface for better seed-to-soil contact.
Prepare the Lawn:
Mow the grass short (around 25mm in height).
Scarify or rake the lawn to remove thatch and create space for the seed.
Aerate compacted areas with a garden fork or aerator.
Do not use weed killer within 6 weeks before or after sowing the seed.
Apply a Pre-Seed Fertiliser:
Spread Roots & Shoots 6-9-6 fertiliser to provide nutrients for new growth.
Lightly rake into the soil before overseeding.
Sow the Seed:
Use 25-35g per m² of seed, spreading evenly across the lawn.
Lightly rake the seed into the soil or top-dress with a thin layer of compost or topsoil.
Watering and Aftercare:
Water lightly but frequently, keeping the soil moist for 2-3 weeks.
Avoid mowing for 2-3 weeks to allow new grass to establish.
Apply a balanced lawn fertiliser to encourage strong growth.
When to Overseed:
Best time: Early Autumn or Spring when temperatures are mild and moisture levels are high.
Repairing Bare Patches
If your lawn has unsightly bare patches due to pets, weather, or heavy foot traffic, patch repair is the solution.
Ideal Conditions:
Warm temperatures between 10-20°C.
No extreme sun exposure or heavy rainfall during establishment.
Loose, aerated soil for better germination.
Protection from birds or pets disturbing the area.
Prepare the Patch:
Rake out dead grass and loosen the top 2-3cm of soil.
If the area is compacted, aerate it with a fork.
Do not use weed killer within 6 weeks before or after sowing the seed.
Apply a Pre-Seed Fertiliser:
Use Roots & Shoots 6-9-6 fertiliser to improve germination and root development.
Lightly mix it into the top layer of soil before seeding.
Sow the Seed:
Apply seed at a rate of 35-50g per m², depending on patch size.
Lightly rake the seed in or cover with a thin layer of compost or topsoil.
Watering and Aftercare:
Water daily with a fine mist until the new grass is well established.
Keep pets and foot traffic away from the area.
Mow when the new grass reaches 5-7cm in height.
When to Repair:
Best time: Spring and Autumn for optimal growing conditions.
Optional: Using Fleece to Cover Newly Seeded Areas
For additional protection and enhanced germination, consider using a fleece cover over newly seeded areas.
Helps retain moisture and prevent drying out.
Provides warmth, speeding up germination in cooler temperatures.
Acts as a barrier to protect seeds from birds and pests.
Reduces seed displacement from heavy rain or wind.
How to Use:
Lightly lay a breathable garden fleece over the seeded area.
Secure the edges with pegs or small stones to prevent it from blowing away.
Remove once the grass seedlings start to emerge (typically within 7-14 days).
While this step is not essential, it can be particularly beneficial in challenging weather conditions.
Final Tips for Lawn Seeding Success
Choose the right seed mix for your needs (e.g., hardwearing, fine ornamental, shade-tolerant).
Keep the soil moist but avoid waterlogging.
Be patient – germination takes 7-21 days, depending on temperature and seed type.
Protect new growth from birds by using netting if necessary.
Deter birds from eating the seed by:
Spreading a thin layer of topsoil or compost over the seeded area.
Using bird deterrents like reflective tape, pinwheels, or lightweight garden fleece.
Watering the area immediately after seeding to help settle the seeds into the soil.
By following these steps, you’ll give your lawn the best chance to thrive. If you need expert guidance or high-quality lawn seed, explore our range at Mowd Lawn Care – your trusted partner in creating and maintaining a beautiful lawn.