Turf Rise Weed Feed and Moss Killer 10-2-2 + 8Fe

Lawn Area (m2):

Weeds happen... but they don't need to stay.

Kills weeds, nourishes grass, and removes moss for a healthier, greener lawn in one step.

Turf Rise Weed Feed and Moss Killer 10-2-2 + 8Fe hero image

Weeds happen... but they don't need to stay.

Kills weeds, nourishes grass, and removes moss for a healthier, greener lawn in one step.

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Weeds happen... but they don't need to stay.

Kills weeds, nourishes grass, and removes moss for a healthier, greener lawn in one step.

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Turf Rise Weed Feed and Moss Killer 10-2-2 + 8Fe

Turf Rise Weed Feed and Moss Killer 10-2-2 + 8Fe

Turf Rise is a granular lawn care product that feeds grass, kills weeds (Dicamba, Mecoprop-P, 2,4-D), and removes moss. It contains a 10-2-2 fertilizer with 8% iron and is available through the Level-Up and Advanced Lawn Care Plan.

  • Kills many broad-leaved weeds (with 3 active ingredients for improved results)
  • Kills moss
  • Easy to apply
  • Provides rapid green-up of grass
  • Extremely effective
  • Homogenous granules – all granules contain all ingredients

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Lawn Size (m2)

Product Detail

Turf Rise is the perfect way to keep your lawn healthy. Use it to feed your lawn, kill weeds, and get rid of moss. Make your lawn look and feel lush and vibrant!  The weed killer is selective, meaning you can kill weeds, and feed the grass all in one treatment!

Compound Fertiliser 10-2-2 with 8% Iron (Fe)

Turf Rise Feed, Weed & Moss Killer can be applied any time of year between May and August for best weed killing effect (when the weeds are actively growing)

Active weed killers: Dicamba, Mecoprop-P, 2,4-D

***Iron can stain surfaces.  Brush patios and hard surfaces down before watering in***

This product is approved under the PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS REGULATION (EC) No. 1107/2009. MAPP No. 18983

Turf Rise is also available via Level-Up Lawn Care Plans and Lawn Care Gift Boxes

Delivery & Returns

We have a number of delivery options available for your location, which are shown at the checkout.


Subscription Deliveries are sent out on a scheduled seasonal timetable.  


For more information about delivery and returns see the delivery policy and refund policy

Safety Data Sheets

Product Support

Turf Rise can be applied any time of year between May and August for the best weed-killing effect (when the weeds are actively growing).

Must be well watered (1.5 inches of water) in after application, using a sprinkler or sufficient rainfall.

Do not apply onto wet or damp surfaces, as the product can stick to the grass plant and burn the grass sward (leaf).

Keep pets and children off the lawn surface until the product is well watered in.

Iron can stain, so be sure to clean any footwear (or any other items) that came into contact with the product before making contact with other surfaces (e.g.. patio / in-house etc.).

Please refer to the product Safety Data Sheet for full product information and always read the label before applying.

Nutrients / Ingredients

NPK: 10-2-2

  • Nitrogen (10%)
  • Phosphorous (2%)
  • Potassium (2%)
  • Iron (8%)

Active Weed/Moss Killer Ingredients:

  • Iron Sulphate
  • 2,4-D
  • Mecoprop-P
  • Dicamba

Application Rate / Coverage

Application Rate:



20-30m2 per KG

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: How quickly will TurfRise Feed, Weed & Moss killer start working?

A: You will see Turf Rise Feed Weed and Moss Killer get to work in stages: • 4 days - your lawn will appear greener as the Iron gets to work; • 7-10 days - moss will blacken ready to be raked/scarified up; • 14 days - weeds will start to die off

Q: Will Turf Rise Feed Weed and Moss Killer Kill all weeds?

A: Turf Rise Feed Weed and Moss Killer is a very effective blanket treatment against broad-leafed weeds. It is important to understand that very large weeds are always best being pulled out by hand. Heavy infestation may need a second application after 6 weeks. Do not apply more than 2 applications in one year. For best results apply when the weeds are actively growing in May - August. Turf Rise Feed, Weed and Moss Killer is effective against broadleaved weeds of the following species: Common Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale); Creeping Buttercup (Ranunculus repens); Creeping Cinquefoil (Potentillareptans); Daisy (Bellis perennis); Greater Plantain (Plantago major); Bird’s-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus); Lesser Trefoil (Trifolium dubium); Thyme-leaved speedwell (Veronica serpyllifolia); Ribwort Plantain (Plantago lanceolate); Selfheal (Prunella vulgaris); White Clover (Trifolium Repens); Mouse-ear Chickweed (Cerastium fontanum subsp. Vulgare); Large or perennial weeds may re-grow. Persistent weeds may require repeated treatments once new growth appears.

Q: Can I spread this fertiliser by hand?

A: Yes - you can spread this fertiliser by hand, but we recommend using a quality fertiliser spreader to ensure the most even application. Each purchase comes with instructions on how to spread it for the best results. Check out our collection of fertiliser spreaders for all-size lawns. Whatever you choose, we recommend wearing gloves when handling fertiliser.

Q: How much fertiliser do I need?

A: Each 1 kg bag will cover 30m2. Choose your lawn size from the drop-down menu and we will automatically select the required amount of fertiliser your lawn needs. Not sure how big our lawn is? Don't panic, try our online lawn measuring tool and measure the size of your lawn from the comfort of indoors! If you have a large area to cover, we can supply 20kg bags - please get in touch with your requirements.

Q: How long will this lawn feed last?

A: Turf Rise Feed. Weed and Moss Killer will last 4-6 weeks. This does depend on a few factors such as grass type, weather conditions, whether you collect grass clippings or mulch, application rate, etc. Persistent weeds may appear after this window and require spot treatment, either pulling by hand or applying a spray weed killer direct to the leaves. Do not use Turfrise Feed, Weed and Moss Killer 6 weeks before or after seeding to laying new turf.

Weed free vista

No one ever complimented you on how nice your weeds look.  Turf Rise Feed, Weed & Moss Killer contains 3 selective weed killers (Mecoprop-P, Dicamba, 2,4-D if you were wondering!) which kills the weeds, but leaves the grass completely unharmed.  This is the simple way to a weed free lawn

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Dandelion, Daisy, Clover

The selective weed killers takes care of al the big name sin the weed world - buttercups, chickweed, daisies to name but a few

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Homogenous blend

Turf Rise is blended to such a high standard, each granule contains all of the active ingredients so your lawn gets the most even coverage!

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